The book is primarily intended for seniors, people who are seriously ill, and their families and friends. It is also a resource guide for those working in public health and elderly care. The book rates more than a dozen methods of euthanasia according to reliability and peacefulness scales.
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While the book was initially granted an 18+ rating in Australia, this was overturned on appeal from the Australian Attorney-General. In early 2007, the publication was refused classification (RC) by the Classification Board.[2] In 2009, the Australian government included the handbook website in its internet filtering plan known as the Clean Feed.[3]
The Peaceful Pill Handbook is available as an ebook and is updated regularly. It focuses on methods of ending life using drugs, and has a lot of information about where to source (generally from overseas) one of the most effective drugs for peaceful death, Nembutal. It also explains at length a method for suicide involving an exit bag and helium.
This really is the premier publication for anyone wanting more information about painless end of life choices. Thoroughly researched and regularly updated (if online edition purchased - the cost includes two years' of updates), this is the most comprehensive publication for information on using drugs and gas as a suicide method. It is aimed at people over the age of 50 who are considering their end of life choices due to the onset of terminal illness or declining health. See