Economic development was long neglected. In the 1960s and 1970s, many big box retailers moved to suburban areas where business was more profitable. Departing retailers included brand name stores and movie theaters that once thrived in Jamaica's busiest areas. Macy's and the Valencia theater were the last companies to move out in 1969. The 1980s crack epidemic created even more hardship and crime. Prime real estate spaces were filled by hair salons and 99 cent stores. Furthermore, existing zoning patterns and inadequate infrastructure did not anticipate future development.
steinberg the grand 3 crack 178
The 103rd Precinct has a lower crime rate than in the 1990s, with crimes across all categories having decreased by 80.6% between 1990 and 2018. The precinct reported 5 murders, 31 rapes, 346 robberies, 408 felony assaults, 152 burglaries, 466 grand larcenies, and 79 grand larcenies auto in 2018.[57]The 113th Precinct also has a lower crime rate than in the 1990s, with crimes across all categories having decreased by 86.1% between 1990 and 2018. The precinct reported 5 murders, 28 rapes, 156 robberies, 383 felony assaults, 153 burglaries, 414 grand larcenies, and 138 grand larcenies auto in 2018.[58]
1. Partial and full re-frets **2. Buffing gloss finish **3. Ding repairs /crack repairs **4. Classic Series Taylor Instrument neck resets. Pre-2001 serial numbered guitars **5. Advanced humidity services and repairs **
In the NewsJulie Albright, University of SouthernCalifornia, was quoted by the AssociatedPress on January 9, 2008, in an articleon the criticism of Dr. Phil received forhis involvement with Britney Spears’“meltdown.” She also appeared on CNNHeadline News on the program ShowbizTonight on the topic of how young celebritiesare reflecting a general trend ofextended adolescence in America.Nancy T. Ammerman, Boston University,was quoted in an Associated Press articleon January 10, 2008, on a controversialKentucky Southern Baptist seminarypresident who has advocated a Christian“exit strategy” from public schools andis in the running for Southern BaptistConvention president. The article was runin the January 9 Houston Chronicle.Michael Bell, University of Wisconsin-Madison, was quoted in a December 31Washington Post article on women playinga greater role in farming in America.William Bielby, University of Illinois-Chicago, was listed as one of the 25 mostpowerful people in business by Fortunemagazine for his role as a key plaintiffsexpert in dozens of employment-discriminationclass-action suits.Mathieu Deflem, University of SouthCarolina, was discussed in an articleon “International Intelligence Sharingfor Global Security,” in Turkish Weekly,December 23, 2007.Silvia Dominguez, NortheasternUniversity, was interviewed live by RadioCaracol on the attempts to criminalizeyouth wearing sagging pants and thesecondary effects this would have onyouth and their families. The interviewwas in Spanish and Radio Caracol isheard in Mexico, Panama, Colombia, andChile, as well as, Los Angeles and Miami.Peter Dreier, Occidental College,coauthored an article “The ConservativeOrigins of the Subprime MortgageCrisis” for American Prospect magazine onDecember 18, 2007. Neal Peirce devotedhis January 3, 2008, Washington Post column to Dreier’s analysis, quoting extensivelyfrom both the article and froman interview with Dreier. His column,“Bush’s Class Warfare,” appeared in theHuffington Post on December 21. Hewas quoted in the Los Angeles Times onDecember 19 about the LA County Federationof Labor’s endorsement of MarkRidley-Thomas for County Supervisor,and in the Fort Worth Star Telegram onNovember 25 about the housing problemsof the working poor. He publishedan article in the American Prospect on December18, 2007, about the foreclosurewave and criticized President Bush’s planto help homeowners as not comprehensiveenough and in the Huffington Poston December 7 about a National PublicRadio (NPR) debate among Democraticcandidates in which NPR reportersframed the issue of U.S. trade with Chinain terms of low wages for Chinese workersbenefits U.S. consumers. He wrote anop-ed column in the Pasadena Weekly onDecember 6, 2007, about the growinggrassroots movement to support publicschools in Pasadena, an op-ed in thePasadena Star-News on November 28about the potential bus drivers’ strike inPasadena, and he wrote op-eds in boththe LA Daily News on November 26 andthe LA Business Journal on November12 about the efforts of community andlabor groups in LA to get TESCO, theBritish supermarket giant, to make clearcommitments about its environmental,health and workplace practices. He wrotean article in the Fall issue of Shelterforcemagazine outlining a new federal policyagenda for housing the working poorby adding a housing component to theEarned Income Tax Credit.Morten Ender, United States MilitaryAcademy, was quoted and had hisresearch data collected from U.S. soldiersin the summer of 2004 in Baghdad citedin a December 20, 2007, front-page articlein USAToday. The article featured what,how, and how often soldiers and lovedones communicate between Iraq and thehomefront.Nancy Foner, Hunter College, wasquoted by the Associated Press and interviewedon Public Radio International’sThe World on December 18 on the trial ofa Long Island couple accused of enslavingtheir Indonesian domestic workers.Donna Gaines wrote a letter to the editorregarding an article on research aboutonline networking that was published inthe December 24 New York Times.Barry Glassner, was quoted and had hisbook, The Gospel of Food, cited on NPR’sMorning Edition in a segment on the disparitybetween foods available to wealthyand poor Americans.Adia Harvey, was interviewed by theAtlanta, GA, NBC affiliate about the sociologicalimplications of the Atlanta PublicSchools’ decision to ban baggy pants onDecember 10.Jerome Karabel, University of California-Berkeley, was cited in a December 30 NewYork Times article about Harvard’s moveto attract students of middle- and uppermiddle-class parents with scholarships.Philip Kasinitz, CUNY-Graduate Center,was quoted in the German NewspaperDie Welt on December 16 2007, and wasinterviewed on RTL German Televisionon December 18, 2007, on the increasingnumber of European tourists in New YorkCity. He was also a quest on the WABCNew York talk show El Tiempo discussinglanguage and assimilation among Latinoson December 16, 2007.Jason Kaufman and Nicholas Christakis,both of Harvard University, werequoted in a December 17 New York Times article for their ongoing research aboutonline social networking of college students.Vincent Roscigno, as editor of theAmerican Sociological Review, and EszterHargittai, Northwestern University, werealso quoted in the article.Akil Kokayi Khalfani was featured in anarticle by the West Orange Chronicle onDecember 6, 2007, which was about theMilton S. Eisenhower Foundation’s hearingsthat reflected on the 40th anniversaryof the Kerner Commission Report.He was interviewed on WIMA Radio onDecember 10, 2007, concerning a speechhe gave in Plainfield, NJ, on “EducationalBroken Promises for African Americans”and was interviewed on Healing Gardens internet radio on December 5, 2007,about wealth building.Jack Nusan Porter, The Spencer Institute,was quoted on October 19 in the NewYork Times regarding the Anti-DefamationLeague and the Armenian genocide. Hewas quoted in The Armenian Weekly onSeptember 1, 2007, and in The CaliforniaCourier on August 16, 2007, on the con-flict within the Jewish community overthe Armenian genocide issue. His letterto the editor regarding the Armenianswas published in the Newton (MA) TAB newspaper on October 17, 2007, in theForward on October 20, 2007, and in theJewish Advocate on September 14, 2007.Craig Reinarman, University of California-Santa Cruz, had an op-ed publishedin the Washington Post on Sunday, October14, 2007, titled “Five Myths Aboutthat Demon Crack,” on the Supreme Courtcase concerning the crack cocaine/powdercocaine sentencing disparity. He wasquoted in a December 25 WashingtonPost article on that topic.Ronald Rindfuss, University of NorthCarolina-Chapel Hill, was quoted in a December21 Washington Post article on therising fertility rates in the United States.Tom Rudel, Rutgers University, wasinterviewed about his research on thehuman drivers of tropical deforestationfor, a website devoted totropical rainforest conservation.Abigail C. Saguy, University of California-Los Angeles, was quoted in the SacramentoBee on November 7, 2007, and theNew York Times on November 11, 2007,discussing how negative cultural attitudesabout fatness predispose scientistsand the lay public to think that thinner isautomatically healthier, despite scientificevidence undermining this simplisticassumption.Christian Smith, University of NotreDame, was quoted in a December 8 NewYork Times article about his research onadolescence and religion. Robert Wuthnow,Princeton University, was quoted inthe same article on the same topic.Deborah Smith, University of Missouri,was quoted in a December 23 New YorkTimes article about people opting out oftraveling to see family for the holidays.Stephen Steinberg, Queens College andGraduate Center-CUNY, was the subjectof an article, “A Sociologist Offers a HarshAssessment of How His Discipline TreatsRace Relations” by David Glenn in TheChronicle of Higher Education, on November16, 2007.Ann R. Tickamyer, Ohio State University,was quoted by the Associated Press onJanuary 10, 2008, in an article on howsome local officials in Appalachian, OH,are skeptical of a recently released U.S.Census study indicating that poverty isworsening in the region.